DLC Pack #2 Now Available!

Greeting, players! Nothing to report!

For such a big DLC release, I’ve actually got nothing much to say!

This DLC was kind of already in the works before the core rulebook was even finished. Gnats sent me this awful image of a naked mannequin wearing some kind of elaborate goat head crotch piece, insisting that whatever it was, it had to be a DLC costume for Sylvain so he could sexily sacrifice his flesh and blood to Baphomet in a ritual or whatever. I had no option but to indulge and construct an entire DLC pack dedicated to summoning rituals.

Camp Magdred should look eerily familiar if you’re from the Bay Area, attended a Catholic elementary school, and have ever taken a trip up to Occidental, CA to attend a particular wilderness camp. Lonato Ball is a real game (albeit not under the name “Lonato Ball”) and I will fight tooth and nail to insist that the optimal conditions to play this game involve a sunken, octagonal muddy dirt pit the morning after a long, hard rain.

By the way, the AGIWTF4HAM development team had such a great run with our personal campaign! I recorded a play-by-play of the first act of the campaign and it’s available to read here on this Google Docs link. Use this to gather some inspiration for your campaign or just have fun seeing what kind of awful shenanigans we got up too! We just wrapped up our final act last night and I’ll be sure to share the play-by-play for that one once it’s finished.

Once more with feeling, thank you so much for downloading and playing our game! I’ve been watching all the campaign livetweets and custom character sheets that you’ve been sharing on Twitter and I’m having a blast seeing you all enjoy what we’re cooking up in our TTRPG kitchen. Please share more stuff at #AGIWTF4HAM!

And of course, here’s a preview of what’s coming in DLC Pack 3.




DLC PACK #2.pdf 15 MB
Aug 22, 2020

Get A Game in which the Faerghus Four Hunt a Monster

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